An Update Surrounding COVID-19

As we have received many inquiries about our hours of operation and services, we wanted to update our customers on the current status of our store during COVID-19. At this time, customers are not permitted to shop inside our store. We will, however, be opening pools for customers upon request. As per Governor Tom Wolf’s orders: Operating […]

10 Reasons You Need a Pool This Summer

Children playing in pool

It’s April and that means before we know it, it’ll be summer! As we’ve already started to experience the warmer weather across our state, now is the perfect time to plot your summer destination: your backyard! Today, we wanted to share with you 10 reasons why you need a pool this summer! # 1 Life […]

A Letter About the COVID-19 Outbreak

front view pic of the building

UPDATE: Our stores in Wilkes-Barre and Dickson City are currently open and we are adhering to all local and state government guidelines and regulations. In addition, curbside pickup is available to our customers for your chemical needs. To All of the Aqua Leisure Pool and Spa Community­­ — As a reputable brand, we’ve been closely […]

Avoid a Crowded Beach With Your Own Backyard Swimming Pool

beach vs. backyard pool

Staying at home, you may be feeling a bit stir crazy and start thinking of ways to improve your home. A fresh coat of paint on the walls, definitely. New appliances in the kitchen, perhaps? Maybe new furniture in the bedroom? But let’s turn your attention to your backyard. Think of all the summertime fun […]

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